
A Breakthrough for People and Planet

Building Momentum for the Summit of the Future and Beyond.

Date Published
24 Jul 2023
Project Type
Research and Capacity Development
Project Status

This initiative further develops and promotes recommendations in the report of the High-Level Advisory Board (HLAB) on Effective Multilateralism. The United Nations Secretary-General announced the HLAB’s formation in March 2022 which was tasked with taking stock of deficits in existing global governance arrangements, as well as emerging priorities for international cooperation.

The Board’s point of departure was the call in the Secretary-General’s Our Common Agenda report for new investments in multilateralism that can support transformation toward more networked, inclusive, and effective cooperative governance arrangements. 

UNU-CPR provided secretariat support for the Board and helped develop the HLAB advisory report which was delivered to the Secretary-General in April 2023. 

The ’Breakthrough’ initiative enables UNU-CPR to continue investing in building understanding, appreciation, and momentum for the bold recommendations in the report amongst different stakeholder groups ahead of the SDG Summit in September 2023 and the Summit of the Future in 2024.  

Its main objectives are to:

  • Localize the HLAB recommendation through sub-national, national, and regional dialogues on the challenges and solutions put forward in the HLAB report.
  • Strengthen the capacity of Member States and other stakeholder groups to engage in the Summit of the Future negotiations by clarifying the transformative potential of, and building ownership among, Member States, especially Middle- and Low-Income countries, for leading HLAB recommendations and their procedural features.
  • Build champions for the work of the HLAB and the vision of the Summit of the Future by identifying and working with a diverse community of thought leaders to shape conversations in the public space.  
  • Identify opportunities for strategic engagement both in and outside of UN communities.
  • Enhance the visibility of the SDG Summit and Summit of the Future processes globally.
  • Prioritize HLAB recommendations where uptake is most likely and build greater understanding of the relationship between HLAB recommendations and the Summit process.  


High-Level Advisory Board

A Breakthrough for People and Planet

A report from the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism, with input from UNU-CPR, outlines an ambitious plan to strengthen the multilateral system, ensuring it is better positioned to address current and future challenges.
Download Report 


Working Paper

The Demand for a Fair International Financial Architecture

Critically examining the Global South’s proposals for international financial architecture reforms.

18 Apr 2024


Reforming the Global Financial Architecture to Address the Challenges of Refugee Hosting as a Global Public Good

Unpacking the ways reforms of the global financial architecture can support efforts to address the challenges of forced displacement.

26 Jan 2024


Elevating the UN Peacebuilding Commission: Proposals for the Summit of the Future

Recommendations to improve the UN’s Peacebuilding Commission ahead of the Summit of the Future.

26 Jan 2024


The Summit of the Future is a Chance to ‘Human Proof’ Our Global Governance System

How do we overcome our innate tendency to prefer the present, undervalue big systemic risks, and ignore the needs of future generations?

25 Jan 2024


Elevating the Environment in the Multilateral System

Enabling the UN to play a more meaningful role in a global transition towards a more sustainable relationship with nature.

10 Nov 2023

Working Paper

Why We Need an International Decade for Data

A call to action to set a transformative agenda and responsibly unlock the value of data for all.

08 Nov 2023

Working Paper

An International Decade for Data: Multistakeholder Cooperation in a Data-Driven World

A global vision for data cooperation to bridge the digital divide and spur international investment.

08 Nov 2023

Working Paper

The Time is Now: Establishing a Mutual Commitment Framework (MCF) to Accelerate Data Collaboratives

Accelerating the establishment of operational (and legally cognizable) data collaboratives.

27 Oct 2023

Working Paper

Public Data Commons as a Policy Framework for the Data Impact Hub and the Mutual Commitment Framework

A framework for data sharing - based on the principles of commons-based data governance.

07 Nov 2023

Working Paper

Unlocking the Potential: The Call for an International Decade of Data

Prioritizing and advancing data as the bedrock for social and economic development.

27 Oct 2023

Working Paper

Data Governance and Public-Private Partnership Data Sharing Models

Examples from Vienna within the Austrian and European Context.

07 Nov 2023

Working Paper

Fair and Safe Datafication

Critical and innovative thinking to ensure data production benefits people and planet.

07 Nov 2023

Working Paper

Global Data Sharing Arrangements between UNHCR and other UN entities and International Organizations

Facilitating transparent and efficient personal data sharing while adhering to relevant principles and standards.

07 Nov 2023


A Global Architecture for Artificial Intelligence

Consolidating key questions surrounding global AI governance.

17 Oct 2023

Working Paper

Addressing the Challenges of Creating a Global AI Architecture

New working paper outlines key questions surrounding the global governance of Artificial Intelligence.

09 Sep 2023

Working Paper

Towards a UN Role in Governing Foundation Artificial Intelligence Models

Working paper considers UN governance strategies for Artificial Intelligence and the newly announced Multistakeholder Advisory Body on AI.

09 Sep 2023



Redefining Multilateralism

Shaping the future of global governance. A virtual dialogue with Foreign Policy magazine.



Expert Workshop on Public-Private Partnerships in Global Data Governance

Facilitating an exchange of perspectives on improved public-private partnerships in data governance.



Global Architecture of AI

Consolidating key questions surrounding the global governance of Artificial Intelligence


News and Commentary

Media Coverage

What Could a Successful Summit of the Future Look Like in 2024?

Defining broad criteria for a Summit that builds greater trust and reduces acute risks.

24 Aug 2023

Blog Post

A New Blueprint Calls for Reinvigorated Global Governance

Recommendations will strengthen the global architecture for peace, security, and finance, and deliver just transitions for climate and digitalization.

18 Apr 2023

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