Economic policy

Showing 1-12 of 96 results


R&D Spillovers, Exports and Employment: The Role of Buyer- Supplier Relationships

Investigating the influence of buyer-supplier relationships on firm innovation, performance, and employment structure, using data from Turkish firms.

11 Dec 2024


In Memoriam: Dr. Jacques Fomerand, Former Head of UNU-ONA

Dr. Fomerand served as Head of the UNU Office in North America from 1992–2003.

09 Nov 2024


A child feeding a child: Early mother’s marriage and child growth in India

MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: Our UNU-MERIT Seminar Series team is pleased to announce our upcoming research seminar featuring Amal Ahmad (Wageningen University).



International financial architecture reform: Towards a new governance for a fair and equitable economic order

Exploring how we can deliver more funding, faster, and on a more sustainable basis



Varieties of Middle-income Trap: A Latin American Perspective on Structural Change Trajectories and External Demand Constraints

MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: UNU-MERIT's UNESCO Chair on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development for Latin America will host a research seminar featuring Prof. Dr. Carlos Bianchi from the Institute of Economics at the University of the Republic (UDELAR) in Uruguay.
