
Overcoming inequality is at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals. Major progress has been made on poverty reduction, but without a clear baseline regarding the current state of global inequality, policy and action become less effective.

UNU research is building comprehensive databases to inform policymakers and governments of where, why, and to what extent global income inequality exists. The aim is to clarify the social and political dynamics that drive inequality, so that policy and social support systems can respond to chronic and emerging trends.

Showing 1-12 of 354 results


Migration Seminar Series: Missiles and Misfits: Reimagining Home and Security for Queer Internally Displaced Persons From South Lebanon.

This paper explores the intersection of armed conflict, displacement, and LGBTIQ+ identity, highlighting the challenges and resilience.



Social Preferences Across the World

MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: Our UNU-MERIT Seminar Series team is pleased to announce our upcoming research week seminar featuring Alexander W. Cappelen, a professor at the Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).



Webinar: Launch of the Handbook on Sex, Gender, and Health: Perspectives from South Asia

In this webinar, we aim to explore the intersections of sex, gender, and health within South Asia's diverse social, economic, and cultural contexts.



Webinar: Launch of UNU-IIGH's Working Paper Series | ‘Advancing Gender Equality in Health’: Expanding voices, evidence, and time horizons for change

This session marks the launch of a working paper series as part of ongoing efforts to catalyze and sustain gender-responsive change within health systems and sectors.



Migration Seminar Series: Safeguarding (Digital) Cultural Heritage in Crises: Connecting Palestinians Beyond Borders and Forced Separation

Safeguarding Digital Cultural Heritage in Crises—understanding how tech protects and threatens Palestinian heritage amid conflict and displacement.



Keeping the Peace while Getting Your Way: Information, Persuasion and Intimate Partner Violence

Dr. Karlijn Morsink, Associate Professor of Economics at the Utrecht University School of Economics
