
Overcoming inequality is at the heart of the Sustainable Development Goals. Major progress has been made on poverty reduction, but without a clear baseline regarding the current state of global inequality, policy and action become less effective.

UNU research is building comprehensive databases to inform policymakers and governments of where, why, and to what extent global income inequality exists. The aim is to clarify the social and political dynamics that drive inequality, so that policy and social support systems can respond to chronic and emerging trends.

Showing 49-60 of 269 results


Including Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in National Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessments

Enhancing money laundering and terrorist financing inclusion in National Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risk Assessments (NRAs).

01 Dec 2023


Detecting Financial Flows of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery: A Guide to Automated Transaction Monitoring

Mobilizing the financial sector to enhance detection of modern slavery.

01 Dec 2023


Strengthening Financial Inclusion to Protect Against Modern Slavery: Applying Lessons to Bank Forcibly Displaced Persons/Refugees

Practical insights from the financial sector in addressing the financial inclusion needs of persons forcibly displaced by the conflict in Ukraine.

01 Dec 2023


Financial Needs and Vulnerability to Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking in Haiti

Ethically integrating local financial solutions into broader efforts to prevent exploitation in Haiti.

01 Dec 2023

Maxime Houinato UN WOMEN


UN Women in East and Southern Africa


Side Event

Ensuring Human Rights for Climate Migrants and Displaced Individuals

DUBAI & ONLINE: This session at the COP28 Thailand Pavilion will focus on the needs and rights of people displaced by climate & environmental change.



SDGs Café — Creating an Inclusive Workplace Environment from Kanazawa

This event aims to deepen understanding and provide insights into the workplace experiences of the LGBTQ+ community.


Working Paper

Fair and Safe Datafication

Critical and innovative thinking to ensure data production benefits people and planet.

07 Nov 2023