
Access to justice is fundamental to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, which commit UN Member States to “promote the rule of law at the national and international levels, and ensure equal access to justice for all”. Gaps in access to justice reinforce poverty and undermine inclusive economic growth.

UNU research recognizes that justice is fundamental to the realization and assertion of an individual’s human rights. By focusing on vulnerable groups most acutely affected by justice gaps, such as migrants, UNU experts are illuminating the importance of approaching access to justice as part of a broader agenda for social justice in areas including health, gender and environment.

Showing 1-12 of 126 results


Migration Seminar Series: Trust Beyond Borders: The Role of Non-State Actors in Shaping Immigration Preferences

Trust in international organizations reduces support for closed-door immigration in weak-governance regions, highlighting non-state actors' influence.



Migration Seminar Series: Atlas of Uncertainty: Journeys Transforming African Cityscapes

ONLINE: The Atlas of Uncertainty blends art, data, and stories, exploring urban life to inspire new views of African cities.



Migration Seminar Series: Where To Next? The Evolving Situation Of Eritreans On The Move

ONLINE: G. Cole, M. Belloni, and A. Tesfai explore where Eritreans seek refuge, focusing on decisions of Eritreans in Addis, Cairo, and Kampala.


Children’s Rights Research Day


Children’s Rights Research Day
