Research Topics

Research and academic activities aligned with every Sustainable Development Goal

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The University shall devote its work to research into the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations and its agencies.
Charter of the United Nations University

People — topics on improving lives of people everywhere

Planet — topics on preserving and improving our environment and natural resources

Peace and partnerships — topics on fostering peaceful, just, and inclusive societies

Showing 2481-2490 of 3346 results

Press Release 24 Nov 2021

UN Publishes First Regional E-waste Report for Commonwealth of Independent States and Georgia

E-waste generated in the Commonwealth of Independent States and Georgia rose by 50% from 2010–⁠2019, but just 3.2% was collected and safely managed.

Project 22 Nov 2021

Integrating the Resource Nexus in Payments for Watershed Ecosystem Services: Conception and Application

The project aims to define an economically feasible and socially acceptable payments for ecosystem services (PES) scheme to aid watershed management.

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Financial Inclusion: A Way to Prevent Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery

This side-event to the High-level meeting of the General Assembly appraised the United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons.

Expert Doctoral Researcher

Shanali Minoshi Fernando

Shanali Fernando is a Doctoral Researcher under the joint programme of the Technische Universität Dresden and UNU-FLORES.

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Webinar on Purpose Management by Companies for the SDGs

The SDG-UP and the SDGs Corporate Strategy Forum will host a series of three online seminars on business purpose management with university students.

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What's SDGs? — Ishikawa-san Live News It!

UNU-IAS will contribute to a local news TV programme in Ishikawa as guest commentator on SDGs.

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Rights Literacy in Indigenous Migrant Communities: Priorities and New Frontiers in Guatemala, Mexico and the United States

Identifying opportunities and challenges related to indigenous migration and rights literacy.

Media Coverage 11 Nov 2021

Can the UN Help Wean Us Off Our Fossil Fuel Addiction?

Whether the UN could help to wean the world off fossil fuels.

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Science & Films: The New Inspiration Couple?

UNU institutes and UN partners will discuss climate science and policy with Oscar-award winner director and BAFTA-winning director and filmmaker.

News 10 Nov 2021

COP26 Side Event Explores Carbon Neutrality and the SDGs

The event engaged experts to discuss challenges and good practices for achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 and the SDGs.