Research Topics

Research and academic activities aligned with every Sustainable Development Goal

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The University shall devote its work to research into the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations and its agencies.
Charter of the United Nations University

People — topics on improving lives of people everywhere

Planet — topics on preserving and improving our environment and natural resources

Peace and partnerships — topics on fostering peaceful, just, and inclusive societies

Showing 2471-2480 of 3346 results

Event -

Developing Fiscal States in Africa

On 2 December 2021 UNU-WIDER and the OECD Development Centre will host an online panel discussion on Developing Fiscal States in Africa. 

Media Coverage 01 Dec 2021

Five Years on From Colombia’s Peace Agreement, Gender Inequality Remains an Obstacle to Lasting Peace

Ongoing barriers to gender equality in Colombia five years on from the signing of the Peace Agreement.

Blog Post 30 Nov 2021

Why Illegal Deforestation Should Be Treated as a Security Issue

Examining the links between deforestation and security - charting a way forward for policymakers, law enforcement, and the multilateral system.

Press Release 30 Nov 2021

UNU-INWEH's World Flood Mapping Tool is One of 2021’s '100 Greatest Innovations'

Popular Science named UN University’s online tool that generates street-level maps of floods worldwide as one of the 100 greatest innovations of 2021.

Project 29 Nov 2021

Managing a Just Transition to Electric Mobility – A Resource Nexus Approach to End-of-Life Vehicles in the Global South

The project formulates policy recommendations for international trade regarding used battery-electric vehicles

Announcement 27 Nov 2021

Call for Abstracts: Dresden Nexus Conference 2022

UNU-FLORES is accepting DNC2022 abstract submissions for poster and oral presentations until 10 February 2022.

Article 26 Nov 2021

Efforts to Protect the Poor During COVID: How Five African Countries Fared

Additional benefits will be fundamental in protecting poor households in sub-Saharan Africa as they face a continuing COVID-19 crisis.

Article 26 Nov 2021

We Interviewed 150 Women Migrants, Revealing How Their Journeys Involve Peril at Every Turn

A new research partnership is spotlighting the need to create spaces of safety and support for women who migrate to escape violence and oppression.

Event -

International Conference on GIAHS 2021

The International Conference on GIAHS 2021 will be held in Ishikawa to highlight the achievements and values of the GIAHS.

Conference -

International Conference on GIAHS 2021

UNU-IAS is co-organising the International Conference on GIAHS 2021 in Nanao City, Ishikawa, Japan.