People — topics on improving lives of people everywhere
Planet — topics on preserving and improving our environment and natural resources
Prosperity — topics on building a sustainable and fulfilling future
Peace and partnerships — topics on fostering peaceful, just, and inclusive societies
What is climate justice?
Riskepedia: What is climate justice? UNU-EHS expert Lucas Turmena explains it in this #Riskepedia video!
What are critical infrastructures?
Riskepedia: What is critical infrastructures? UNU-EHS expert Sophie van der Heijden explains it in this #Riskepedia video!
What are Economics of Climate Action (ECA)?
Riskepedia: What is Economics of Climate Adaptation (ECA)? UNU-EHS expert Maxime Souvignet explains it in this #Riskepedia video!
What are ecosystem services?
Riskepedia: What is ecosystem services? UNU-EHS expert Andrea Ortiz Vargas explains it in this #Riskepedia video!
What is elevation-dependent warming?
Riskepedia: What is elevant-dependent warming? UNU-EHS expert Stefan Schneiderbauer explains it in this #Riskepedia video!
What is glacial melting?
Riskepedia: What is glacial melting? UNU-EHS expert Alicia Bustillos Ardaya explains it in this #Riskepedia video!
What are Losses and Damages?
Riskepedia: What is losses and damages? UNU-EHS expert Soenke Kreft explains it in this #Riskepedia video!
What are sustainable cities?
Riskepedia: What are sustainable cities? UNU-EHS expert Simone Sandholz explains it in this #Riskepedia video!
What are Urban Labs?
Riskepedia: What is Urban Labs? UNU-EHS expert Lucas Turmena explains it in this #Riskepedia video!
Side Event
From Ideas to Action: RCE Youth Projects on Multi-stakeholder Partnerships
This online side event of the 2023 ECOSOC Youth Forum will highlight the importance of engaging young people in sustainable development efforts.