The University shall devote its work to research into the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations and its agencies.
People — topics on improving lives of people everywhere
Planet — topics on preserving and improving our environment and natural resources
Prosperity — topics on building a sustainable and fulfilling future
Peace and partnerships — topics on fostering peaceful, just, and inclusive societies
ITU Academy Training Centre
Economics of Innovation applied to the digital sector
The course aims at providing an introduction to the main theoretical and empirical issues surrounding the economic analysis of innovation.
UNU Hosts Students from China for Workshop Exploring the Role of the UN
The workshop, held at UNU Centre in Tokyo, provided students with a unique opportunity to learn about the United Nations and the work of UNU.
Kazakhstan Delegation Visits UNU-INWEH
Exploring Opportunities for Collaboration and Capacity Development on Water Security and Management
Bridging the data divide
Unlocking the power of data to address modern slavery.
SCIENCE TALK: Building Climate Resilience of Rainfed Agriculture
Best Practices of Rainfed Agriculture from Global South Countries
Climate and migration in Madagascar (CLIMIG-MADAGASCAR)
CLIMIG-MADAGASCAR will improve the management of human mobility in the context of climate change (HMCCC) as migrants move from Androy to Boeny, Madagascar. Madagascar is one of the world's poorest countries, relying heavily on agriculture.
CJRF Migration Portfolio Review
Reviewing the portfolio is intended to inform the following: 1. CJRF grantmaking; 2. Other funders’ work; 3. Loss and damage policy and finance.
Valérie Andriamanga
Valérie is a consultant in the EMIC Division working on human mobility linked to climate change in Madagascar. She specializes in urban agriculture, land use planning and urban governance. She is particularly interested in land use change and how it relates to migration.
Media Coverage
Bridging the World’s Research and Data Divide
News Decoder explores how UNU researchers work across the globe to solve today’s biggest and emerging challenges.
Trade Unions Must Fight AI Fire with AI Fire and Embrace Digital Tools
We need a proactive policy response to ensure that workers in automated workplaces retain their right to collective bargaining.