Anticipatory Action and Innovation

Meeting the demand for a more future-oriented United Nations that is prepared for emerging challenges.

UN New York

The Secretary-General’s call for “prevention, prevention, prevention” as the top three priorities of the UN is a demand for a more future-oriented organization, prepared for emerging challenges and capable of innovating to meet them. Indeed, Our Common Agenda places particular importance on intergenerational solidarity, orienting the work of the UN to address problems that will have an impact for decades to come.

For UNU-CPR, the focus on prevention has meant building a foresight capacity, delivering scenario-based futures analyses, identifying new trends that may affect the work of the multilateral system, and offering innovative solutions for them. In particular, it has meant work on the role of AI-driven technologies in creating new risks, researching the effects of newly generated large-scale population movements, and examining how the COVID-19 response may have affected the health and wellbeing of people around the world.

Multilateralism is going through a period of profound and rapid change. Power shifts, new technologies and deep social and economic changes are reshaping politics between and within States. The need for international cooperation to tackle global threats is greater than ever, and many multilateral institutions face unprecedented demands. But designing and delivering collective responses to global challenges is also increasingly complex.

UNU-CPR has led research on strengthening global governance since its inception. How can the UN and its partners launch and sustain genuinely new approaches to global public policy problems, transcending existing organizational habits and boundaries? By developing cutting-edge research, clarifying the complex dynamics in multilateral forums, and designing clearly-targeted, evidence-based proposals, UNU-CPR has stimulated discussion on the future of multilateral cooperation and effective options for engagement.


Redefining Multilateralism


Redefining Multilateralism



A Breakthrough for People and Planet

Building Momentum for the Summit of the Future and Beyond.

24 Jul 2023

Media Coverage

The World Needs an International Decade for Data

A Decade for Data could spur coordinated action to help avoid splitting the international community into “data-poor” and “data-rich” worlds.

24 Jan 2024

Recent Publications


The New Geopolitics of Converging Risks: The UN and Prevention in the Era of AI

The emerging impacts of AI convergence on the United Nations’ prevention agenda.

01 May 2019


Blog Post

Who Speaks and Who Listens Online

An analysis of competing narratives about climate action on Twitter - and how climate activists can engage more strategically at COP28.

23 Nov 2023

Blog Post

US Executive Order on AI: Takeaways for Global AI Governance

What does the Executive Order reveal about the US approach to AI global governance and what impacts can we expect from its implementation?

10 Nov 2023

Working Paper

An International Decade for Data: Multistakeholder Cooperation in a Data-Driven World

A global vision for data cooperation to bridge the digital divide and spur international investment.

08 Nov 2023

Blog Post

Improving the Design of Geospatial Analysis for Anticipatory Action

Exploring approaches that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian action – thereby saving more lives, properties, and livelihoods.

29 Aug 2023

Blog Post

The New Agenda for Peace: A Model for the Declaration on Future Generations?

Although far from perfect, the New Agenda for Peace offers a potentially transformative model for emerging and future risks.

19 Jul 2023

Blog Post

A New Blueprint Calls for Reinvigorated Global Governance

Recommendations will strengthen the global architecture for peace, security, and finance, and deliver just transitions for climate and digitalization.

18 Apr 2023

Blog Post

Redistributing Paid Work between Genders: The Key to Gender Equality?

Increasing women's representation in technology may require a societal transformation that sees more men taking on roles in paid care sectors.

08 Mar 2023

Media Coverage

The World Needs an International Decade for Data

A Decade for Data could spur coordinated action to help avoid splitting the international community into “data-poor” and “data-rich” worlds.

24 Jan 2024

Media Coverage

What Could a Successful Summit of the Future Look Like in 2024?

Defining broad criteria for a Summit that builds greater trust and reduces acute risks.

24 Aug 2023

Research Themes


A Breakthrough for People and Planet

A report from the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism, with input from UNU-CPR, outlines an ambitious plan to strengthen the multilateral system, ensuring it is better positioned to address current and future challenges.
Download Report 

Blog Post

US Executive Order on AI: Takeaways for Global AI Governance

What does the Executive Order reveal about the US approach to AI global governance and what impacts can we expect from its implementation?

10 Nov 2023


A Global Architecture for Artificial Intelligence

Consolidating key questions surrounding global AI governance.

17 Oct 2023

Working Paper

Towards a UN Role in Governing Foundation Artificial Intelligence Models

Working paper considers UN governance strategies for Artificial Intelligence and the newly announced Multistakeholder Advisory Body on AI.

09 Sep 2023

Selected Publications


The Summit of the Future is a Chance to ‘Human Proof’ Our Global Governance System

How do we overcome our innate tendency to prefer the present, undervalue big systemic risks, and ignore the needs of future generations?

25 Jan 2024


Predictive Technologies in Conflict Prevention: Practical and Policy Considerations for the Multilateral System

Adoption strategies that mitigate challenges related to the uptake of predictive technologies.

03 Jan 2024


Elevating the Environment in the Multilateral System

Enabling the UN to play a more meaningful role in a global transition towards a more sustainable relationship with nature.

10 Nov 2023

Blog Post

Improving the Design of Geospatial Analysis for Anticipatory Action

Exploring approaches that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian action – thereby saving more lives, properties, and livelihoods.

29 Aug 2023



Expert Workshop on Public-Private Partnerships in Global Data Governance

Facilitating an exchange of perspectives on improved public-private partnerships in data governance.



Global Architecture of AI

Consolidating key questions surrounding the global governance of Artificial Intelligence
