Governance of AI

Current thinking on the ethics, policy, and global governance of Artificial Intelligence.

UN New York

As the United Nations and its Member States urgently consider the global governance of Artificial Intelligence, we have consolidated information on this page to inspire and guide discussions. The information presented here reflects current thinking at the United Nations University, and beyond, on the ethics, policy, and global governance of AI. The content will grow as the conversation evolves and new ideas and perspectives emerge.



Disinformation and Peacebuilding in Sub-Saharan Africa

Security Implications of AI-Altered Information Environments.

13 Feb 2024


Senior UNU-CPR Data Scientist Appointed Research Lead for New UN Advisory Body on AI

The role will involve identifying opportunities and governance solutions as the Body works towards a final advisory report in 2024.

31 Oct 2023

UN Peacekeepers in Mali

Predictive Technologies in Conflict Prevention

A UNU-CPR Discussion Paper explains how the UN can mitigate challenges related to the uptake and application of predictive technologies in its conflict prevention efforts.
Download paper here 


Blog Post

Five Ways Local AI Ecosystems Can Foster Climate Action

Exploring how AI ecosystems in developing countries can innovate for climate action.

27 Jun 2024

Blog Post

US Executive Order on AI: Takeaways for Global AI Governance

What does the Executive Order reveal about the US approach to AI global governance and what impacts can we expect from its implementation?

10 Nov 2023

Blog Post

Improving the Design of Geospatial Analysis for Anticipatory Action

Exploring approaches that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian action – thereby saving more lives, properties, and livelihoods.

29 Aug 2023

Blog Post

AI & Global Governance: Human Rights and AI Ethics

Why Ethics Cannot be Replaced by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

19 Jul 2019



Artificial Intelligence: Addressing or Distorting the Modern Slavery Challenge?

Leveraging AI's potential and mitigating its risks in efforts to address modern slavery.

18 Oct 2023


A Global Architecture for Artificial Intelligence

Consolidating key questions surrounding global AI governance.

17 Oct 2023

Working Paper

Addressing the Challenges of Creating a Global AI Architecture

New working paper outlines key questions surrounding the global governance of Artificial Intelligence.

09 Sep 2023

Working Paper

Towards a UN Role in Governing Foundation Artificial Intelligence Models

Working paper considers UN governance strategies for Artificial Intelligence and the newly announced Multistakeholder Advisory Body on AI.

09 Sep 2023


Artificial Intelligence-Powered Disinformation and Conflict

New policy brief explores recent developments in Artificial Intelligence and their impact on disinformation-fueled conflict.

08 Sep 2023


The Use of Synthetic Data to Train AI Models: Opportunities and Risks for Sustainable Development

This technology brief explores the potential of synthetic data to accelerate the attainment of the SDGs through AI in the Global South.

04 Sep 2023