The University shall devote its work to research into the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations and its agencies.
People — topics on improving lives of people everywhere
Planet — topics on preserving and improving our environment and natural resources
Prosperity — topics on building a sustainable and fulfilling future
Peace and partnerships — topics on fostering peaceful, just, and inclusive societies
Jonathan Nana Kwesi Freiku
Jonathan Freiku is an IT associate at UNU-INRA.
Research Fellow
Kenneth Aidoo
Kenneth Aidoo is a Research Fellow at UNU INRA.
Emelda Quainoo
Ms. Emelda Mabel Quainoo is a Research and Administrative officer.
SCIENCE TALK: Developing Carbon Policies and Industrial Operations
Factoring Carbon Emissions from Wildfires and Heatwaves
Mangrove for climate action in Myanmar
Myanmar Climate Action Week 2024 highlighted climate funding gaps and innovative mangrove restoration solutions amid the ongoing humanitarian crisis.
Avelino Jr. Mejia
Avelino Jr. Mejia is a Communications Associate for the Innovation and Education (IVE) programme at UNU-IAS.
Heat Waves and Wildfires Give Urgency to the Fight to Cut Methane
At COP29, countries worldwide must step up, work together, and invest in deploying the available solutions to accelerate the fight against methane.
Oman’s MTCIT Delegation Visit
UNU-EGOV received a delegation from the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Information Technology (MTCIT) of Oman.
Conversation Series
Navigating Economic Cooperation: Reflections on 80 Years Since Bretton Woods
TOKYO: On 13 August 2024, UNU will host a conversation with Marc Uzan, Executive Director and founder of the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee.
Knowledge into Use Award 2024 Awarded to One of the Transformative Urban Coalitions Cities
Barrio 20 in Buenos Aires, Argentina won an award on the road to a greener and more socially just city for all.