The University shall devote its work to research into the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations and its agencies.
People — topics on improving lives of people everywhere
Planet — topics on preserving and improving our environment and natural resources
Prosperity — topics on building a sustainable and fulfilling future
Peace and partnerships — topics on fostering peaceful, just, and inclusive societies
Search Strategies and Attention in the Evolution of Novel Inventions
MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: Our UNU-MERIT Seminar Series team is pleased to announce our upcoming research seminar featuring Nicolò Barbieri (University of Ferrara, Italy).
Landscape Approaches for Biodiversity and Peace in Colombia
A side event of the 2024 UN Biodiversity Conference showcased landscape management initiatives for biodiversity conservation and conflict reduction.
Elevating Youth Voices for Global Biodiversity Action
A COP16 side event discussed ways to boost meaningful youth participation in the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
Welcome to the October Edition of COLLECTIVE, the UNU Macau Newsletter
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Side Event
Advancing Gender Responsive Health — Lessons from Practice
Experience how we explore key advancements in gender equality in health across the Asia-Pacific region.
Building Bridges for Science: Reflections from UNU-MERIT's Reach & Turn Workshop
Our Partnerships Specialist Dr. Diego Salama shares key takeaways from the science communication workshop that he co-led in Panama on 21 October 2024.
UNU-MERIT's Recent Activities as an ITU Academy Training Centre
UNU-MERIT's Dr Mindel van de Laar reflects on recent ITU events that we have participated in, and shares an overview of our upcoming ITU courses.
Blog Post
Embracing Innovation and Collaboration: Macau's Journey
In light of the 2024 UN World Cities Day, Macau stands out as an example of innovation and collaboration.
Dr. Giselle Lugo Miole
Giselle Miole is a JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow jointly affiliated with UNU-IAS and the University of Tokyo.
Noto Satoyama and Satoumi Talk
TOKYO: This event will showcase local sustainability initiatives and disaster recovery efforts in Noto Peninsula, Ishikawa, Japan.