People — topics on improving lives of people everywhere
Planet — topics on preserving and improving our environment and natural resources
Prosperity — topics on building a sustainable and fulfilling future
Peace and partnerships — topics on fostering peaceful, just, and inclusive societies
João Álvaro Carvalho
João Álvaro Carvalho is an Adjunct Professor at the United Nations University (UNU-EGOV) since 2015.
Media Coverage
What Comes After the War on Drugs?
Leading up to the UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the World Drug Problem, UNU's new report asks "What Comes After the War on Drugs?"
Blog Post
Securing the Asia-Pacific: A Report From the CSCAP General Conference
The General Conference of the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific highlighted the need for a stronger security architecture.
Education System for Government Technology Leadership
Strengthen GCIOs' digital capabilities in government through educational enhancement, peer support, and strategic alignment, focusing on best practices and collaborative frameworks.
Meeting the Challenges of the 2030 Agenda: Alternative Forms of Development Cooperation and the United Nations
How development cooperation is rapidly evolving, emerging trends, and the role of the UN in development coordination.
Blog Post
Disengaging Children in Violent Extremist Contexts
How can the disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration of child soldiers in violent extremist contexts be improved?
Media Coverage
Addressing Security and Urbanization in Fragile Cities
Fragile cities are a growing global risk.
Blog Post
Saving the World Humanitarian Summit From Itself
Now that the World Humanitarian Summit Synthesis Report has been released, what can be done to strengthen the humanitarian reform process?
UNU-IAS Board Convenes for 2015 Meeting
Held on 23–24 October 2015, the meeting reviewed the activities of the institute, and provided guidance for its future development.
Blog Post
How the UN Made FIFA Look Well Governed – And What the UN Can Do About It
The case for implementing a UN ethics system for the leaders of its intergovernmental bodies.