The University shall devote its work to research into the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations and its agencies.
People — topics on improving lives of people everywhere
Planet — topics on preserving and improving our environment and natural resources
Prosperity — topics on building a sustainable and fulfilling future
Peace and partnerships — topics on fostering peaceful, just, and inclusive societies
The Algorithmic Problem in Artificial Intelligence Governance
The future of AI is not just about algorithms — it is about the values we encode within them.
New UNU-IIGH Briefing Paper Sheds Light on Financialisation in Global Health
The paper advocates for public interest financing models.
Marianne Lahaie Luna
Marianne Lahaie Luna is a public health researcher focused on the complex relationship between precarious housing and food behaviors, particularly for Latinx immigrants in Toronto.
Blog Post
B2Gold’s Natural Capital Protocol Accounting: Driving Sustainability Through Innovation
Inonge Mukumbuta Guillemin, doctoral researcher at UNU-FLORES shares insights on the pilot case study
Conversation Series
The Future of Innovation and Creativity in a Transforming World
TOKYO: On 13 February 2025, UNU will host a conversation with Daren Tang, Director General of WIPO.
Blog Post
Unlocking Value: A Business and Natural Capital Accounting Case Study of Nakara Leather (PTY) Ltd
Inonge Mukumbuta Guillemin, doctoral researcher at UNU-FLORES shares finding from a pilot case study
UNU-EGOV Engages with the Diplomatic Community at the Portuguese Presidency’s New Year Greetings Ceremony
UNU-EGOV joined Portugal’s New Year Diplomatic Greetings, with Director Delfina Soares engaging the President on global digital governance cooperation
The Invisible Colleague — Balancing Algorithmic Management With Workers’ Rights
With the right safeguards, intelligent technologies can be harnessed to complement human potential rather than replace it.
Event Highlights
Highlight Moments in the 2023 World Data Forum Macau Satellite Event.
Media Coverage
Article Examines Outcomes of the 2024 UN Biodiversity Conference
The article highlights progress made at CBD COP 16 in recognizing the role of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.