The University shall devote its work to research into the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations and its agencies.
People — topics on improving lives of people everywhere
Planet — topics on preserving and improving our environment and natural resources
Prosperity — topics on building a sustainable and fulfilling future
Peace and partnerships — topics on fostering peaceful, just, and inclusive societies
Melad Elias
Melad Elias
Marie-Elaine Czabaun
Marie-Elaine Czabaun
Workshop on GovTech Innovation and Digital Governance Held in Cabo Verde
From May 8th to 13th, 2024, UNU-EGOV organized Workshop on Co-Creation and Capacity Building took place at TechPark CV’s Incubation Center.
Side Event
Enhancing Water Security in Changing Environments: A Perspective on Asian Cities
BALI: This side event of the 10th World Water Forum will discuss water security issues in cities in Asia with an emphasis on SDG 6 metrics.
Blog Post
Decolonising Global Health in the wake of COVID-19: Reconciling the Ethics of the Global Movement with Diverse Local Values
Convened by UNU-IIGH & IRG-GHJ
New UN Research Reveals Impact of AI And Cybersecurity on Women, Peace and Security in South-East Asia
Research by UN Women and UNU Macau explores the connections between AI, digital security and the women, peace and security agenda in South-East Asia
COVID-19 and the Informal Economy
ONLINE: On 30 May, UNU-WIDER will co-host a webinar to launch the book COVID-19 and Informal Economy.
Sophia Dawkins
Sophia Dawkins is a Fellow (Non-Resident) supporting UNU-CPR's Conflict Prevention and Sustaining Peace research pillar.
Blog Post
A molecular look at bees' gut may show the way to stop their decline in Latin America
A survey of colony losses across Latin America gives reasons for alarm, but understanding gut microbiomes presents a way forward.
Development of Digital Government at the subnational level: measurement experiences from Latin America
Seminar on subnational digital governance in Latin America and benchmarking measurement tools.