The University shall devote its work to research into the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations and its agencies.
People — topics on improving lives of people everywhere
Planet — topics on preserving and improving our environment and natural resources
Prosperity — topics on building a sustainable and fulfilling future
Peace and partnerships — topics on fostering peaceful, just, and inclusive societies
Financial Inclusion to Protect Vulnerable Populations from Modern Slavery: A Compilation of Practices
Current practices addressing how financial inclusion can protect vulnerable populations from modern slavery.
UNU-EHS researchers explain complex risk concepts in a short, easy-to-understand way.
Press Release
UNU-IAS 10-Year Anniversary Event: Synergies for Sustainability
Journalists are invited to an event exploring the key achievements of UNU-IAS since its founding in 2014, and the future of sustainability.
Tribute to Milan Kundera
PARIS: On 30 May 2024, UNU will co-host a tribute to Milan Kundera at UNESCO Headquarters.
Press Release
United Nations University Hub Inaugurated at Hamburg University of Technology
The new UNU Hub will foster international research cooperation on "engineering to face climate change".
Media Coverage
Leveraging Education & Innovation for a Circular Economy
An article on GlobalDev Blog discusses how education and innovation can support sustainable management of resources.
Conversation Series
The Peacebuilding Architecture Review: Building and Sustaining Peace in 2025 and Beyond
TOKYO: On 30 May 2024, UNU will host a conversation with Elizabeth Spehar, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support.
SCIENCE TALK: Community Clean Energy: Lessons from the Oakland EcoBlock
improving resilience, sustainability, and quality of life through in-home energy and water-efficient upgrades, electrification, solar installations, and energy storage
“10 Years of EGOV: 2014-2024” Celebration Event
UNU-EGOV's anniversary celebration event at the Centro Cultural Vila Flor in Guimarães.
Side Event Calls for Inclusive Land Management to Safeguard Biodiversity and Livelihoods
The session was held at the 26th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 26) of the CBD in Nairobi.