
World Water Week Talkshow: Stacked Benefits: Inclusion, Stewardship and Cooperation for Water Security

Insights on how meaningful inclusion can drive progress and create equitable, sustainable water management systems worldwide.

- Europe/Stockholm
Open to public

Join IISD's President and CEO, Patricia Fuller, formerly Canada’s Ambassador for Climate Change, for a talk show format discussion between her and Prof. Kaveh Madani, the Director of the United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH).

With current progress on water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) falling significantly short of targets, experts will discuss the critical need for inclusive approaches in achieving global water-related goals.

Speakers will share insights into how inclusive practices vary globally, with specific examples from Canada and other global geographies. From bridging Indigenous and western knowledge systems to co-develop long-term water solutions in Canadian scientific research at the IISD Experimental Lakes Area, to an IISD-ACARE initiative, which empowers African women scientists and integrates their perspectives into efforts to coordinate efforts on large, transboundary lakes in Africa.

Participating experts will emphasize the role of agriculture as a major water stakeholder, and advocate for the inclusion of agricultural voices in water management strategies.

The session will also explore the broader implications of inclusion for future water agendas beyond SDGs—urging local, national, and global leaders to consider these aspects as they plan for 2030 and beyond.

Join us for a thought-provoking session on how meaningful inclusion can drive progress and create equitable, sustainable water management systems worldwide.

Learn more about World Water Week 2024 and IISD's role in water protection globally and find out more about the World Water Week session happening on Monday, August 27: Water Security through Nature-Based Solutions: From Theory to Practice.

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