Consumption and production

Sustainable production and consumption is about doing more with less, and doing it better — building sustainable infrastructure, ensuring efficient use of natural resources, and generating cleaner energy and less waste. By engaging diverse stakeholders, achieving sustainable production and consumption will generate lasting solutions that promote healthier ecosystems and economies, and safer livelihoods.

UNU research focuses on the processes, practices, and governance of product cycles and value chains, and spotlights how traditional practices can be scaled alongside modern systems and management techniques.

Showing 13-24 of 91 results
ECOffee Consumers event 30 September 2024


'ECOffee Consumers' Multiplier Event


Degree Defense

PhD Defence: The Future Quantity and Structural Effects of Contemporary Automation

The PhD thesis investigates the potential consequences of the adoption of modern automation technologies in advanced and developing economies.



Session Calls for Integrating Quality Education in Promoting Sustainable Consumption

A session of the 19th International Conference on Waste Management and Technology highlighted the crucial link between education and sustainability.

04 Jun 2024