Showing 13-21 of 21 results
Protecting Environmental Water from Antimicrobial Resistance
Improving antimicrobial resistance-related water quality standards will be essential to protecting the health of half a billion people worldwide.
New Tools to Map Flood Risk Will Help Bring Disaster Planning Up to Date
A new flood mapping tool and forthcoming artificial intelligence-driven models will generate current and future flood risk maps.
Data Drought in the Global South
The Global South is in need of developing the ability to generate quality and actionable data to overcome development challenges.
Where on Earth is a Water-secure World?
Water security standards must be more clearly defined and quantified, and need to relate directly to the number, type, and scale of problems.
Needed in the Global South: Wastewater Collection for COVID-19 Detection
Monitoring wastewater for COVID-19 provides real-time insight into viral spread, enabling timely preventative and coping measures.
Water Scarcity: Coming Soon
An urgent paradigm shift of water management and use is needed to ensure global taps don't run dry sooner than we expect.
Water: A Matter of Survival in the World of Pandemics
With the pandemic negatively impacting SDGs achievement, intense focus is needed on the world’s most chronic water, sanitation, and hygiene problems.
Climate Crisis: Elephants in the Room are Getting Nastier
Increasing climate change-induced food insecurity and human displacement highlight the necessity to modernise existing policies and platforms.
Rethinking Water-Migration Interlinkages Within the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis
In a time of compounding disease outbreaks, it is vital to understand the connections between conflict, migration, and water, sanitation, and hygiene.