Biodiversity & Society

Accelerating transformational change toward living in harmony with nature

UNU-IAS: Biodiversity & Society

Action on biodiversity is urgently needed to sustain a healthy planet and the lives that it supports. Our research provides evidence-based inputs for implementing the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, with a focus on sustainable management of production landscapes and seascapes. As the secretariat of the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI), UNU-IAS mobilizes efforts by more than 300 member organizations across the globe to build mutually beneficial human–nature relationships. Through technical and institutional capacity development activities, the institute supports governments and other stakeholders in applying landscape approaches and promotes participatory, inclusive management.



Sustainable Business Practices for Biodiversity: Leveraging Landscape Approaches

Policy guidance on adopting integrated landscape and seascape management to mainstream biodiversity in businesses.

19 Jun 2024


Advancing Forest Landscape Restoration in the Tropics

Experiences and Lessons for Socio-ecological Resilience and Empowerment of Women in ITTO Projects

17 Nov 2023

Upcoming Events

Side Event -

Societies in Harmony with Nature

ONLINE: This side event of the 2024 HLPF will discuss building sustainable and resilient communities through the implementation of the Satoyama Initiative and the Global Biodiversity Framework.



Side Event Discusses Subsidies and Incentives for Biodiversity Conservation

The session was held at the fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation of the CBD in Nairobi.

30 May 2024


Side Event Calls for Inclusive Land Management to Safeguard Biodiversity and Livelihoods

The session was held at the 26th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 26) of the CBD in Nairobi.

23 May 2024


Seminar Shares Insights on Integrating Landscape Approaches into National Biodiversity Strategies

The event featured expert presentations on applying landscape approaches for biodiversity conservation, sustainable use of resources, and equity.

17 May 2024

Media Coverage

Mongabay Features Expert Comments on Natural Climate Solutions

UNU-IAS expert Suneetha Subramanian called for adopting a holistic approach to the concept of natural climate solutions.

21 Feb 2024

Woman picking tea leaves

Ecosystem Restoration through Managing Socio-Ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes (SEPLS)

This open-access book presents innovative approaches on preventing ecosystem loss and degradation while sustainably supporting the livelihoods and well-being of local communities.
Download the book 



International Satoyama Initiative

The ISI project works to promote the Satoyama Initiative, a global effort to realize societies in harmony with nature.

12 Nov 2013


Operating Unit Ishikawa / Kanazawa (OUIK)

OUIK carries out community-based research on biocultural diversity in Ishikawa looking towards providing a regional model for sustainable development.

19 Nov 2013