Research Topics

Research and academic activities aligned with every Sustainable Development Goal

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The University shall devote its work to research into the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations and its agencies.
Charter of the United Nations University

People — topics on improving lives of people everywhere

Planet — topics on preserving and improving our environment and natural resources

Peace and partnerships — topics on fostering peaceful, just, and inclusive societies

Showing 2501-2510 of 3524 results

Event -

Charting Transferability: Advancing Gender Equality in the Response to Climate Change

On 22 March, UNU-IIGH with co-organise the online event  "Charting Transferability: Advancing Gender Equality in the Response to Climate Change".

Seminar -

Event -

Water, the SDGs, and COVID-19: Challenges & Opportunities for SDG 6

In observance of WWD 2022, an online seminar will be held on the interplay between water and COVID-19 and strategies for achieving SDG 6.

Seminar -

Water, the SDGs, and COVID-19: Challenges & Opportunities for SDG 6

The event will discuss the interplay between water and COVID-19 from multiple perspectives, and share strategies for achieving SDG 6.

News 22 Mar 2022

Manual Provides Guidance on GIAHS Monitoring and Evaluation

A new UNU-IAS publication supports management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems.

Press Release 21 Mar 2022

500 Million People Live in 19 African Nations Deemed Water-insecure

A new report published by UNU-INWEH on the eve of World Water Day 2022 employs 10 indicators to quantify water security in Africa’s 54 countries.

News 21 Mar 2022

UN Secretary-General Announces Membership of the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism

The Board will be supported in its work by UNU-CPR in close coordination with the Executive Office of the Secretary-General.

Event -

Science Talks: The Superpowers of Forests

To celebrate the International Day of Forests, UNU-EHS is joining UN-REDD on Instagram Live for the Science Talk "The Superpowers of Forests".

Project 20 Mar 2022

Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture (UPA) and Climate Change: Impacts, Mitigation, and Adaptation

This project aims to better understand the impacts of UPA, in order to develop adaptive measures to minimise trade-offs and optimise co-benefits.

Side Event -

Integrating Landscape Approaches into National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans

UNU-IAS will co-organise a side event at the 2022 meetings of the Convention on Biological Diversity on integrating landscape approaches into NBSAPs.