Regular workshops and training courses are also held as part of the research and policy analysis programme. Regular events include:
- Short-term training programme on Policy Design and Evaluation (DEIP, DEPP, IATT or Tailored): Mindel van de Laar
- UNU-MERIT Seminar Series
Coordinators: Sneha Marydas & Cecilia Seri - Migration Seminar series
Coordinator: Soha Youssef - PhD Defences, UNU-MERIT PhD programme
Contact: Julia Walczyk
Upcoming Events
Showing 1-5 of 5 results
11th MACIMIDE Annual Work Conference
Join the 11th MACIMIDE Conference on migration and development at UNU-MERIT on Sept 23, 2024
Children’s Right to be Heard
ONLINE: This bilingual English/Spanish seminar, organised by UNU-MERIT's Dr. Julieta Marotta, will feature scholars and practitioners from different jurisdictions discussing children's right to be heard and participate in the legal process.
Degree Defense
PhD Defence: The Future Quantity and Structural Effects of Contemporary Automation
The PhD thesis investigates the potential consequences of the adoption of modern automation technologies in advanced and developing economies.
Previous Events
Showing 1-8 of 34 results
Varieties of Middle-income Trap: A Latin American Perspective on Structural Change Trajectories and External Demand Constraints
MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: UNU-MERIT's UNESCO Chair on Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development for Latin America will host a research seminar featuring Prof. Dr. Carlos Bianchi from the Institute of Economics at the University of the Republic (UDELAR) in Uruguay.
How big does a 'big-push' poverty intervention need to be? Evidence from experimental variation in the size of asset transfers
MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: The UNU-MERIT Seminar Series kicks off the new academic year with a seminar featuring Christine Valente, Professor of Economics at the University of Bristol.
Are we using the right metrics? Towards a research agenda for measuring how innovation drives the SDGs in Africa
NEW YORK & ONLINE: UNU-MERIT researcher Hugo Hollanders will be speaking at the Science Summit of the 79th United Nations General Assembly, in a session on 13 September.
Summer School: Public Policy Analysis
This five-day summerschool is offered by Maastricht University and hosted and coordinated by UNU-MERIT in Maastricht, the Netherlands.
Summer School: Public Policy Process
A five-day summerschool offered by Maastricht University and hosted and coordinated by UNU-MERIT.
Economic Fitness and Complexity Summer School
A five-day Economic Fitness and Complexity Summer School, jointly organised by UNU-MERIT and the Enrico Fermi Research Centre.
ITU and UNU-MERIT Summer School on Catalyzing the Digital Future: Digital Transformation for Sustainability
The summer school is a university-level course of one week, which takes place in the Netherlands, between 1-5 July 2024.
Webinar: Origins and implications of the current wave of automation technologies
The UNU-MERIT's UNESCO Chair is glad to announce the second edition of its webinar series on ''Science, Technology and Innovation Policies for Sustainable Development in Latin America'' (STI-LAC Webinars).