Upcoming Events

UNU-MERIT organises various activities designed to stimulate academic debate, disseminate research findings, and facilitate knowledge sharing among researchers and policymakers.

Regular workshops and training courses are also held as part of the research and policy analysis programme. Regular events include:

Upcoming Events

Showing 1-9 of 9 results


One Bed, Two Dreams: Female Migration, Conservative Norms and Foreign Brides in South Korea

MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: Our UNU-MERIT Seminar Series team is pleased to announce our upcoming research seminar featuring Giulia Briselli, a Postdoctoral Scholar at ESCP Business School, Paris Campus.



Online Q&A Session on UNU-MERIT's MSc Programme

ONLINE: On 3 April, UNU-MERIT will host a Q&A session for prospective students interested in their MSc in Public Policy and Human Development (MPP).



MPP Experience Day

MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: On Monday 14 April 2025, UNU-MERIT will host its first MPP Experience Day, an event designed especially for prospective students of our MSc in Public Policy and Human Development (MPP).


Degree Defense

PhD Defence: Essays on the economics of conflict and human capital in Central Africa

Soazic Elise Wang Sonne



Migration Seminar Series: Missiles and Misfits: Reimagining Home and Security for Queer Internally Displaced Persons From South Lebanon.

This paper explores the intersection of armed conflict, displacement, and LGBTIQ+ identity, highlighting the challenges and resilience.




Executive Seminar on Successful University Leadership


Previous Events

Showing 1-8 of 70 results


Cash in Humanitarian Emergencies [Social Protection Webinar with WFP]

The Social Protection Master’s specialisation will be hosting the Cash in Humanitarian Emergencies webinar, where presenters from WFP's Delivery Field Support team will share their experiences and insights on how cash transfers can serve as a vital tool for social protection in humanitarian contexts.



Social Preferences Across the World

MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: Our UNU-MERIT Seminar Series team is pleased to announce our upcoming research week seminar featuring Alexander W. Cappelen, a professor at the Department of Economics, Norwegian School of Economics (NHH).



PhD Event: March Research Days

In Person: Join our annual event as PhD fellows present their research.



Migration Seminar Series: Safeguarding (Digital) Cultural Heritage in Crises: Connecting Palestinians Beyond Borders and Forced Separation

Safeguarding Digital Cultural Heritage in Crises—understanding how tech protects and threatens Palestinian heritage amid conflict and displacement.



Keeping the Peace while Getting Your Way: Information, Persuasion and Intimate Partner Violence

Dr. Karlijn Morsink, Associate Professor of Economics at the Utrecht University School of Economics



Driving Change: Government Strategies and Technological Innovations in India's Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Sector

MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: Our UNU-MERIT Seminar Series team is pleased to announce our upcoming research seminar featuring Sunil Mani, a Visiting Professor from the Centre for Development Studies and Ahmedabad University, India.



MPP Open Lecture: Incentivising innovation: The role of IPRs

ONLINE: Want to know if our MSc in Public Policy and Human Development programme (known as MPP) is right for you? Join our Open Lecture with Dr. Intan Hamdam-Livramentoto get a taste of the programme!
