Karthika Baby Sujatha

Karthika Baby Sujatha

PhD fellow

MA , Development Studies, International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University, 2019
MA, Economics, Madras Christian College, Madras University, 2014
babysujatha@merit.unu.edu k.babysujatha@maastrichtuniversity.nl karthikanicky@yahoo.com LinkedIn

Karthika Baby Sujatha is a PhD Candidate at UNU-Merit.


Karthika is a Ph.D. fellow at UNU-MERIT. She obtained her MA in Development Studies with a specialization in Econometric Analysis for Development Policies from the International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University. Before joining UNU-MERIT, Karthika worked as a consultant at the International Institute of Social Studies and was primarily responsible for supporting research on themes of the political economy of gender discrimination, intra-household contribution and benefits, family planning, and policies related to elderly care. She is an innovative development practitioner and has led and supported projects related to gender, health, and socio-economic development in LMICs.