The University shall devote its work to research into the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations and its agencies.
People — topics on improving lives of people everywhere
Planet — topics on preserving and improving our environment and natural resources
Prosperity — topics on building a sustainable and fulfilling future
Peace and partnerships — topics on fostering peaceful, just, and inclusive societies
Empowering International Partnerships: UNU-FLORES and K-ECO Share Environmental Vision Through GELP
The Korea Environment Corporation and the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Korea hosted the Night for Future Environmental Experts event.
Global Architecture of AI
Consolidating key questions surrounding the global governance of Artificial Intelligence
New Student Cohort Welcomed in 2023 Opening Ceremony
Eleven students from ten different countries begin their postgraduate learning journey at UNU-IAS.
Alexandra Franco Guajardo
Alexandra Franco Guajardo is a Communications Associate for the Biodiversity and Society (BDS) programme at UNU-IAS.
Anne Lecroq
Anne Lecroq is a Media and Engagement Associate at UNU-IAS.
Hanna Takemoto
Hanna Takemoto is a Communications Associate at UNU-IAS.
Developing Freedom
Establishing a clear case for the global development community to prioritize anti-slavery and anti-trafficking in development programming.
Enhancing Due Process in UN Security Council Targeted Sanctions Regimes
Developing a new proposal to the UN Security Council for enhancing due process in UN targeted sanctions.
UNU and International Science Council Sign Agreement to Strengthen Academic Collaboration
UNU and ISC will collaborate on academic research and initiatives aimed at advancing progress towards global sustainability and human well-being.
Symposium Promotes Cultural and Natural Heritage for Sustainability
UNU-IAS expert presented at the 2023 General Assembly of the International Council on Monuments and Sites in Sydney.