People — topics on improving lives of people everywhere
Planet — topics on preserving and improving our environment and natural resources
Prosperity — topics on building a sustainable and fulfilling future
Peace and partnerships — topics on fostering peaceful, just, and inclusive societies
Water, the SDGs, and COVID-19: Challenges & Opportunities for SDG 6
In observance of WWD 2022, an online seminar will be held on the interplay between water and COVID-19 and strategies for achieving SDG 6.
Water, the SDGs, and COVID-19: Challenges & Opportunities for SDG 6
The event will discuss the interplay between water and COVID-19 from multiple perspectives, and share strategies for achieving SDG 6.
Manual Provides Guidance on GIAHS Monitoring and Evaluation
A new UNU-IAS publication supports management of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems.
Press Release
500 Million People Live in 19 African Nations Deemed Water-insecure
A new report published by UNU-INWEH on the eve of World Water Day 2022 employs 10 indicators to quantify water security in Africa’s 54 countries.
UN Secretary-General Announces Membership of the High-Level Advisory Board on Effective Multilateralism
The Board will be supported in its work by UNU-CPR in close coordination with the Executive Office of the Secretary-General.
Science Talks: The Superpowers of Forests
To celebrate the International Day of Forests, UNU-EHS is joining UN-REDD on Instagram Live for the Science Talk "The Superpowers of Forests".
Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture (UPA) and Climate Change: Impacts, Mitigation, and Adaptation
This project aims to better understand the impacts of UPA, in order to develop adaptive measures to minimise trade-offs and optimise co-benefits.
Side Event
Integrating Landscape Approaches into National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans
UNU-IAS will co-organise a side event at the 2022 meetings of the Convention on Biological Diversity on integrating landscape approaches into NBSAPs.
UNU-IAS Students Pledge to Advance the SDGs
A new video features UNU-IAS students explaining their commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
37th UNU Global Seminar Explores Solutions to Environmental Issues
UNU-IAS organised the 37th UNU Global Seminar aiming to enhance awareness of global environmental issues.