Research Topics

Research and academic activities aligned with every Sustainable Development Goal

Topics Header Photo
The University shall devote its work to research into the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations and its agencies.
Charter of the United Nations University

People — topics on improving lives of people everywhere

Planet — topics on preserving and improving our environment and natural resources

Peace and partnerships — topics on fostering peaceful, just, and inclusive societies

Showing 1271-1280 of 4009 results

Event -

Minds Connect: Technologies 4 Peace Speed Dating

Join the "Minds Connect: Technologies for Peace" speed dating event for early-career researchers passionate about peace through technology.

Workshop -

SMART-WaterDomain: International Workshop on Water Reuse for Sustainable and Smart Water Management in Europe and Japan

SMART-WaterDomain Team presents Intl. Workshop on Water Reuse for Sustainable Management in Europe & Japan.

Event -

United Nations Day 2023 – Water is Life

Join us for UN Day at Dresden City Hall, Nov 9, 6pm. Theme: 'Water is Life.' Discuss global water access sustainability and local contributions.

Seminar -

Nexus Seminar Series N.71 – Against The Clock: A Temporal Lens on Organizing for Business Sustainability

The study explores how organizations navigate sustainability in strategic shifts, based on a three-year analysis of automotive companies.

Event -

Sustainability Nexus AID Programme – Official Launch Event

UNU launches collaborative program using advanced data, analytics, and global AID experts to tackle sustainability challenges

Workshop -

NABATE: International Workshop on sustainable management of end-of-life batteries

International Workshop " Sustainable battery system cuts raw material use, lowers environmental, health risks from toxic batteries"

Event -

Tokyo Blue Talk: Advances Towards a Sustainable and Healthy Ocean — The Impact of Plastic Pollution on a Sustainable Blue Economy

TOKYO: On 9 May 2024, UNU and the Embassies of Costa Rica and France in Japan will co-host a Tokyo Blue Talk to discuss the impact of ocean pollution.

Conversation Series -

The Future of Education — Challenges and Opportunities for Integrating the SDGs and Global Citizenship into High School Education

TOKYO: On 22 April 2024, UNU will host a conversation with Malcolm McKenzie, Head of School at United World Colleges ISAK Japan.

Seminar -

Nexus Seminar Series N.74 - Time for the Next Round of National Climate Targets (NDCs): Integrating Nexus Approaches

Climate change is a multifaceted crisis requiring an integrated Nexus Approach, emphasizing interlinkages among sectors and stakeholders for effective solutions.

News 12 Apr 2024

In Conversation with Alejandra Ramos-Galvez: The Role of Art in Facilitating Sustainable Urban Transformation

Discover how Alejandra Ramos-Galvez uses art in her research to uncover perceptions of sustainable urban development.