
UNU Macau Digital Technology and Sustainable Development Talent Programme Summer Camp Kicks Off

This Summer Camp will be held July 22-26, 2024 at the United Nations University Institute in Macau.

The United Nations University Institute in Macau (UNU Macau) is pleased to announce the arrival of the delegation from Northwestern Polytechnical University, led by Prof. ZENG Xiangyang, Vice Dean of the School of Marine Science and Technology. They have joined us for the Digital Technology and Sustainable Development Talent Programme Summer Camp.

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Serge Stinckwich, Head Of Research at UNU Macau, welcomes the delegation at the opening

The Summer Camp, which began on the morning of July 22, also welcomed a team from the School of Software Engineering at Tongji University in the afternoon. This year's camp, themed "Agent-Based Modelling for Better Health Policies," is designed to enhance the strategic vision and leadership skills of young scholars in digital technology and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Prof. ZENG Xiangyang, Vice Dean of the School of Marine Science and Technology, speaks at the opening

Over the course of two weeks — comprising one week of online training and one week of in-person sessions in Macau SAR, China — participants will engage in applied research in computer science with a focus on SDGs and digital technologies. This initiative provides a unique opportunity to work closely with United Nations agencies, gain professional skills from international organizations, and broaden their global perspective, preparing them for impactful roles in international organizations.

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A team from the School of Software Engineering at Tongji University also joined in the afternoon

For more information about UNU Macau's training programmes, please download our training catalogue.