
Over 800 million people worldwide experience extreme hunger and malnutrition, snaring them in a cycle of low productivity and disease that creates a major barrier to human progress and sustainable development. Ending hunger by 2030 is not just a matter of providing food to populations in need. It will require significant investments in rural and urban food systems to expand sustainable agriculture, improve health support, and to build durable distribution networks.

Our work to improve food and feed production for humans and livestock, particularly in Africa, is helping to secure livelihoods, enhance socio-economic status, and improve rural economies. And in the face of climate change, diminishing soil productivity, and growing water scarcity, we are leading innovative efforts to improve resource access and management for farmers.

Showing 25-29 of 29 results


Introduction of Technologies on Characteristic Analysis and Conservation Management in Agricultural Heritage Systems

The project will develop conservation management indicators and guidelines on evaluating the sustainability of agricultural heritage systems.

02 Apr 2018


Monitoring and Evaluation of WFP's Country Strategic Plan in Kenya from 2019 to 2023

This project aims to evaluate the outcomes of WFP’s aid for refugees and vulnerable populations affected by disasters in Kenya from 2019 to 2023.

06 Apr 2019



This project aims to map the outcomes of livelihood innovations for climate adaptation and co-create climate-resilient development pathways.

01 May 2020


Multifunctional Use of Agricultural Landscapes Under Climate Change Conditions

The project aims to develop strategies for a multifunctional rural landscape by considering the characteristics of a pilot area of Tanzania

13 Dec 2020


Resilience and Resource Nexus in Food Systems: Case of Tea and Wheat Subsectors in Tanzania

The project investigates how geopolitical tensions and resource availability influence food system resilience in Tanzania to bolster food security strategies.

09 Jul 2024