
Over 800 million people worldwide experience extreme hunger and malnutrition, snaring them in a cycle of low productivity and disease that creates a major barrier to human progress and sustainable development. Ending hunger by 2030 is not just a matter of providing food to populations in need. It will require significant investments in rural and urban food systems to expand sustainable agriculture, improve health support, and to build durable distribution networks.

Our work to improve food and feed production for humans and livestock, particularly in Africa, is helping to secure livelihoods, enhance socio-economic status, and improve rural economies. And in the face of climate change, diminishing soil productivity, and growing water scarcity, we are leading innovative efforts to improve resource access and management for farmers.

Showing 13-24 of 35 results


Symposium Calls for Food Systems Transformation

The online event highlighted sustainable food as part of the integrated solution to address climate change and biodiversity loss.

12 Mar 2024


Climate Change and Biodiversity: The Future of Food and the Environment

ONLINE: This symposium will discuss sustainable food systems and their role in tackling climate change and biodiversity loss.



Symposium Discusses Transforming the Global Food System for Sustainability

The online event was held as part of the UN Weeks at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan.

30 Oct 2023


Transforming Global Food System for Revitalizing Actions for SDGs

ONLINE: This event will explore the relationship between the SDGs and environmental sustainability at different stages of the global value chain.



39th UNU Global Seminar Explores Solutions to Ensure Food Security

The certified course engaged students and young professionals in lectures and group discussions on sustainable agriculture and food production.

15 Aug 2023


Report Highlights Integrated Solutions for Biodiversity & Climate Change, Transforming Food Systems

The report is part of a study funded by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan.

28 Jul 2023


Applications Open for 39th UNU Global Seminar 2023

The course will be held online on 7–9 August.

30 May 2023


Nexus Seminar Series N.67 Integrated Approaches to Flood and Drought Management

The joint Flood (APFM) and Drought (IDMP) programs of the World Meteorological Organization and Global Water Partnership.



Seminar Explores the Role of Local Gastronomy in Sustainable Tourism

The online seminar highlighted the role of food in connecting tourists with local communities and promoting sustainable development.

05 Nov 2022


Tourism and the SDGs — Local Food and Sustainable Development

On 26 October 2022 UNU-IAS will host an online seminar on the topic Tourism and the SDGs — Local Food and Sustainable Development.



Infant and Young Child Feeding: Policy, Power, and Politics

UNU-IIGH will host the webinar "Infant and Young Child Feeding: Policy, Power, and Politics".
