Climate action

Showing 25-36 of 369 results
Thumbnail of video on accelerating extinctions


Accelerating Extinctions

09 May 2024


Towards The Tipping Point - Diplomacy for a Sustainable Future’ UNU-FLORES Joins the Discussion in Dresden

UNU-FLORES discusses sustainability and diplomacy at Dresden's elbMUN.

02 May 2024



Commentary from UNU-EHS experts

02 May 2024


Expert Group Meetings Advance Climate Action in Synergy with the 2030 Agenda

Global experts gathered in Tokyo to assess progress on SDG 13 ahead of the UN High-Level Political Forum.

08 Apr 2024

A female farmer next to a farm looking at data on her tablet device, with environment-related icons overlayed on top


Bonn AI & Climate 2024


A female farmer next to a farm looking at data on her tablet device, with environment-related icons overlayed on top


Bonn AI & Climate 2024

26 Mar 2024