
Events at UNU-IIGH

A UNU IIGH event

Featured Events


International Women’s Day Webinar: Investing in Women to Advance Gender Equality in the Era of Polycrises

Navigating the 'polycrisis': Join us as experts discuss gender-inclusive solutions, resilience, and global solidarity for a sustainable future.



Artificial Intelligence, Technology and Health: Promises and Challenges

KUALA LUMPUR: UNU Rector Tshilidzi Marwala will discuss how AI and technology can be harnessed for a sustainable future for all.



Global Health and Human Rights in the Post-pandemic World

ONLINE: On 23 May, UNU will host a BIG IDEAS Dialogue with Rajat Khosla, Director of UNU-IIGH, and UNU Senior Vice-Rector Sawako Shirahase.



The Personal is Political: Re-imagining Data Governance in the Context of Digital Health

On 8 March, UNU-IIGH will organise a webinar focusing on data governance and sexual and reproductive health.


All UNU-IIGH Events

Showing 1-10 of 63 results

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WEBINAR: Gendered Workplace Violence in the PHC Workforce Part 1 - Policy Frameworks for Action

The webinar was the first session of our two-part webinar series on gendered workplace violence in the Primary Health Care workforce.

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Webinar: "Power and Accountability: Shaping Governance for Global Health Equity"

The webinar marks the launch of UNU-IIGH’s new programme of work on Power and Accountability.

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International Women’s Day Webinar: Investing in Women to Advance Gender Equality in the Era of Polycrises

Navigating the 'polycrisis': Join us as experts discuss gender-inclusive solutions, resilience, and global solidarity for a sustainable future.

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Artificial Intelligence, Technology and Health: Promises and Challenges

KUALA LUMPUR: UNU Rector Tshilidzi Marwala will discuss how AI and technology can be harnessed for a sustainable future for all.

BIG IDEAS Series -

Global Health and Human Rights in the Post-pandemic World

ONLINE: On 23 May, UNU will host a BIG IDEAS Dialogue with Rajat Khosla, Director of UNU-IIGH, and UNU Senior Vice-Rector Sawako Shirahase.

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The Personal is Political: Re-imagining Data Governance in the Context of Digital Health

On 8 March, UNU-IIGH will organise a webinar focusing on data governance and sexual and reproductive health.

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Ending GBV and Achieving the SDGs’: Taking Stock of Lessons Learned From Local Responses to GBV

‘Ending GBV and Achieving the SDGs’: taking stock of lessons learned from local responses to GBV; UNDP, UNU-IIGH, Gender and Health Hub; SVRI Forum 20

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Ending Gender-based Violence and Achieving the SDGs

UNDP has partnered with UNU-IIGH on the project Costing and Financing: Ending GBV and Achieving the SDGs.

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Decolonising Global Health: Programme Launch

UNU-IIGH will host an event to launch the new research programme, Decolonising Global Health.