David McCoy

David McCoy

Research Lead

Doctorate, Public Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
MPhil, Maternal and Child health, University of Cape Town
B.Med, Southampton University
mccoy@unu.edu @dcmccoy11 LinkedIn

David McCoy is a public health specialist and professor of global public health who works in the fields of health systems policy and development; global health governance and international health policy; and the political and economic determinants of health.  Much of his recent research has consisted of multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral case studies. 

He qualified as a medical doctor from Southampton University and spent six years as a clinician in the UK and South Africa, before entering a career in public health. He spent a further seven years in South Africa with the University of Cape Town and the Health Systems Trust where he supported the post-apartheid transformation of South Africa’s health care system. On returning to the UK, he has worked in civil society and the non-government sector (Peoples Health Movement, Aidspan and Medact), in academia (University College London and Queen Mary University London) and in the public sector (the NHS). 

Research Interests

  • Health
  • Health policy
  • Health services
  • Health systems



Decolonising global health research: Shifting power for transformative change

New PLOS Global Public Health article reveals how power imbalances undermine equitable health research policies, practices and outcomes.

25 Apr 2024

Working Paper

World-class Education? Interrogating the Biases and Coloniality of Global University Rankings

UNU-IIGH is announces the formation of an Independent Expert Group (IEG) to discuss global university rankings.

27 Feb 2023


Experts Roundtable Report on Malaysian White Paper for Health

This report presents a summarised account of extensive discussions held on July 2nd about the forthcoming Malaysian White Paper on Health.  

04 Oct 2022

Blog Post

Contemporary Colonialism and Global Health

New UNU-IIGH's Decolonising Global Health programme of work

28 Sep 2022

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