
Advancing an Anti-Colonial Agenda to Decolonise Global Health Paradigms

Discover a bold vision to challenge colonial legacies in global health and explore how redefining power dynamics can reshape healthcare equitably.

The Miami Institute for the Social Sciences has released a thought-provoking essay titled "An Anti-Colonial Agenda for the Decolonisation of Global Health," authored by David McCoy. The essay initiates the Institute's forum, aiming to stimulate a discourse on the essence of decolonising global public health in today's world.

The essay revisits the pivotal Alma Ata Declaration of 1978, revealing its anti-colonial nature, even though not explicitly using the terms colonial or colonialism. McCoy underlines the need for an equitable, community-empowering approach to healthcare, emphasizing access to essential resources like clean water, sanitation, and nutrition. The essay contends that decolonising global health should challenge unequal power dynamics, the colonisation of global health, and unethical profiteering within the healthcare industry, providing a comprehensive agenda for transformation.

For a detailed exploration of the essay and to participate in the ongoing discussion about decolonising global public health, please follow this link to the original article.

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