Sustainable cities and communities

By 2030, 60 per cent of the global population will reside in cities. As dense hubs of global activity, cities present some of the greatest challenges among the Sustainable Development Goals. From housing, public health, and employment, to natural resource consumption and transportation, achieving the SDGs will hinge on urban planning initiated now.

UNU research on sustainable urbanisation seeks to overcome the tendency to treat urban issues (such as governance, water, waste, health, economic development, or vulnerability to natural hazards) as discrete problems and instead find integrated, interdisciplinary solutions.

Showing 109-120 of 210 results


UNU Macau Attends 2022MIECF

Dr. Franz Gatzweiler delivered a speech calling for support and collaborations in utilising collective intelligence for an ecological civilization.

14 Dec 2022

Side Event

Exploring Nature-positive Pathways

On 8 December 2022, UNU-IAS will co-organise "Exploring Nature-positive Pathways" — a side event at the UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP15).


Side Event

The Satoyama Initiative: A Decade of Working for Societies in Harmony with Nature

On 7 December 2022, UNU-IAS will co-organise a side event at the UN Biodiversity Conference (CBD COP15).



Video Illustrates Links between Culture and Biodiversity in Urban Gardens

A new UNU-IAS video on the connectivity between people, culture, biodiversity, and urban landscape in Kanazawa, Japan.

29 Nov 2022


COP27 Event Showcases Community-based Climate Action Education Projects

UNU-IAS held a COP27 event to discuss transformative community-based climate action.

16 Nov 2022


Seminar Explores the Role of Local Gastronomy in Sustainable Tourism

The online seminar highlighted the role of food in connecting tourists with local communities and promoting sustainable development.

05 Nov 2022


"The Triple Planetary Crisis: From Issues to Action", a Conversation with Inger Andersen

On 4 October 2022, UNU will host a conversation with Inger Andersen, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme.
