
Following a significant decline in global poverty from 2015-2018, the impacts of the COIVD-19 pandemic pushed the poverty rate up 9.2 per cent in 2020. This was the first increase in extreme poverty since 1998 and was a major setback in achieving SDG 1. Ending global poverty by 2030 will require more than closing an income gap — it will rely on institutions and opportunities that promote equality, including access to resources, gender, employment, housing, and health.

Working to alleviate poverty has been part of the UNU agenda for four decades. Ongoing research focuses on the socio-economic drivers and consequences for households on the move to find solutions to poverty, at both ends of the migration path. The UNU economic toolbox uses sustainable benefit models to guide developing countries as they create social protection systems.

Showing 25-36 of 44 results

Press Release

New UN Study Reveals Limited Impact of Tax and Social Protection Policies in the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Africa

Tax and benefit policies provided limited income protection to poorest households and failed to offset the increase in poverty amid COVID-19.

04 Oct 2021


COVID-19 and Development – Effects and New Realities for the Global South

The 2021 WIDER Development Conference will discuss impacts of the COVID-19 crisis in the Global South and how to support recovery.



Achieving Sustainable Development in the Least Developed Countries

Bringing together the academic community, policymakers, and practitioners to discuss the challenges and policy recommendations for the LDCs.



New Release of the Government Revenue Dataset Covers Past 40 years

UNU-WIDER has released an updated version of the Government Revenue Dataset with 40 years of tax and revenue data for 196 countries.

24 Aug 2021


Call for Papers: COVID-19 and Development – Effects and New Realities for the Global South

UNU-WIDER is accepting papers until 15 April 2021 for its annual WIDER Development Conference.

23 Mar 2021


Development Challenges in Africa in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic

An online conference discussing the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the African continent.
