
Call for Papers: Annual Jobs and Development Conference

Papers are now being accepted for the 6th Jobs and Development Conference which will take place from 14–15 December 2022 in Cape Town, South Africa.

The 6th Jobs and Development Conference will take place from 14–15 December 2022 in Cape Town, South Africa, and will focus on policy-relevant research applicable to identifying solutions to job challenges in low- and middle-income countries. The event will be co-organised by the World Bank, the Institute of Labor Economics, the Network on Jobs and Development, and the UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER).

To expand the frontiers of global knowledge around jobs and advance the discussion on the most effective policies, conference organisers are interested in receiving policy-relevant paper submissions on all topics in labour and development economics, but especially papers that focus on:

  • New platform economy jobs
  • Labour market programmes and regulation
  • Gender and labour markets
  • COVID-19 pandemic, jobs, and development
  • Immigration, migration, and skills
  • Structural change
  • Climate change, energy, and jobs

The conference organisers are particularly interested in these themes, but are not discouraging submissions on any topics relevant to jobs and development policy issues.

Please submit full papers or extended abstracts by Friday, 1 July 2022 using the online application form.

Notifications on the status of submitted papers will be sent by 5 September 2022.

Any queries can be emailed to conference managers at:

Conference organisers strongly encourage that submissions are full papers. For those submitting extended abstracts, a full paper submission is due by 30 September 30, 2022.

For more information and updates on the conference and this call for papers, visit the UNU-WIDER website.

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