Life on land

Nearly a third of the globe is covered by forests, which are home to 80 per cent of all land species of animals, plants, and insects. Forests and agricultural systems sustain our air, water, and food, but extreme deforestation and land degradation are threatening vital biodiversity and the billions of people who depend on the land for their livelihoods.

UNU research analyses the intersections of ecosystem change and resource use to find sustainable human-environment solutions that can preserve biological and biocultural diversity as well as safeguard traditional agricultural systems and rural livelihoods.

Showing 157-168 of 229 results


Webinar Explores Interlinkages Between Biodiversity, Health, and Well-being in SEPLS

UNU-IAS organised a seminar exploring the nexus of biodiversity, health and well-being in socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes.

09 May 2022


Workshops Refine Draft Manual for National Biodiversity Plans

UNU-IAS hosted workshops to gather feedback on a manual guiding policy administrators in integrating landscape approaches into NBSAPs.

09 May 2022


What can Global Governance do for Forests? Cooperation and Sovereignty in the Amazon

What is the relevance, effectiveness of global governance instruments in preventing activities defined under national laws as illegal deforestation?

27 Apr 2022


Video Showcases Innovative Education Projects for Biodiversity

A new UNU-IAS video highlights 135 education projects focused on biodiversity conservation and ecosystem restoration.

13 Apr 2022


Production Landscapes for Effective Area-based Conservation Highlighted in CBD Side Event

UNU-IAS co-organized the session at the 2022 Geneva Meetings of CBD on production landscapes for effective area-based conservation.

12 Apr 2022


Side Event Examines Landscape Perspectives & the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework

UNU-IAS co-organised an event at the 2022 Geneva Meetings of the CBD on incorporating landscape approaches into the GBF.

11 Apr 2022


Side Event at CBD Geneva Meetings Explores Landscape Approaches & National Biodiversity Plans

The side event at the 2022 Geneva Meetings of the CBD focused on integrating landscape approaches into countries' biodiversity strategies.

11 Apr 2022


Innovative Biodiversity Education Projects Featured in New Publication

A new UNU-IAS publication highlights biodiversity education projects aimed at engaging communities in the protection and restoration of biodiversity.

11 Apr 2022