Jobs (decent work)

Employed, productive populations fuel investment, sustainable economic growth, and inclusive progress. But with the majority of the working age population in developing countries employed in informal and insecure jobs, there is an urgent need for expanded opportunities for fair wages, safe working environments, and social protection.

UNU research is helping to find ways to encourage the movement of workers from the informal sector to the more productive formal sector. Concurrently, UNU is helping to illuminate opportunities for more dynamic informal firms to grow and ways for people working in these firms to achieve decent and remunerative work. 


Showing 25-36 of 136 results


Tackling Illicit Financial Flows at Source: Adopting a ‘Location-Centred Approach’ to Address Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

Advanced monitoring of suspicious transactions to enhance the targeting of exploitative crimes.

02 Mar 2024


Combating Modern Slavery Through ESG in the Financial Sector

Aligning environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards in financial sector actions to end modern slavery.

13 Dec 2023


The Anti-Modern Slavery Self-Assessment Tool for Financial Institutions

Helping financial sector professionals better assess whether and how their financial institutions address modern slavery and human trafficking.

13 Dec 2023


Asset Recovery and Restitution

Leveraging Inter-agency and Multi-stakeholder Cooperation to Facilitate Compensation for Victims and Survivors of Forced Labour and Human Trafficking.

21 Nov 2023