Degree Defense

Essays on Automation and Labor Markets

MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: PhD defence of Florencia Jaccoud

- Europe/Amsterdam
Event Contact
Julia Walczyk
Open to public

The evolutionary dynamics of labor markets due to technology are an undeniable aspect of capitalism. Recent theoretical and empirical literature has particularly highlighted the impact of technological change on the demand for various types of workers and the resulting shifts in workforce composition. However, the evidence is less conclusive regarding the effects of technology on overall employment and, to some extent, inequality. Establishing a clear direction of labor adjustments is challenging, as its effects depend on specific technologies, historical contexts, and prevailing institutional factors.

This thesis addresses these issues by emphasizing the distinct roles of various technologies in shaping labor market outcomes. This is not only looking at automation in a broad sense, but also distinguishing between specific technologies. In doing so, it contributes to the literature on the topic by focusing on some aspects that have been underexplored, such as the role of non-standard employment, AI and inequality and technology life cycles.

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