Showing 1-12 of 209 results
MPP Open Lecture: Incentivising innovation: The role of IPRs
ONLINE: Want to know if our MSc in Public Policy and Human Development programme (known as MPP) is right for you? Join our Open Lecture with Dr. Intan Hamdam-Livramentoto get a taste of the programme!

Media Coverage
Education and Diversity to Mitigate Bias in AI

Conversation Series
The Future of Innovation and Creativity in a Transforming World
Expertise at Work: New Technologies, New Skills, and Worker Impacts
MAASTRICHT & ONLINE: Our UNU-MERIT Seminar Series team is pleased to announce our upcoming research seminar featuring Anna Salomons, Professor at Utrecht University’s School of Economics and Professor of Labor Economics, Tilburg University.
Tenth Japan Youth Environmental Activity Contest
The annual event engages youth across Japan to share their solutions to local and global environmental issues.