
Showing 13-24 of 134 results


Sustainable Material Selection in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

Integrating sustainability into material selection is critical for tackling global environmental concerns and securing a sustainable future.

05 Jul 2024

Media Coverage

South Korea Wants the World to Wake Up to the Serious Threats of Cybersecurity

In a new PassBlue UNSCripted Podcast episode, Eduardo Albrecht contextualizes South Korea's increasing focus on cybersecurity.

13 Jun 2024


Webinar: Origins and implications of the current wave of automation technologies

The UNU-MERIT's UNESCO Chair is glad to announce the second edition of its webinar series on ''Science, Technology and Innovation Policies for Sustainable Development in Latin America'' (STI-LAC Webinars).



PhD Summer School on European Industrial, Innovation and Trade Policy in the Era of Strategic Autonomy

UNU-MERIT is co-organising a summer school for PhD students and early career researchers on European Industrial, Innovation and Trade Policy in the Era of Strategic Autonomy.
