A picture of Julia Walczyk

Julia Walczyk

PhD Programme Coordinator (full-time track)

walczyk@merit.unu.edu j.walczyk@maastrichtuniversity.nl +31 43 388 84449

Julia joined the PhD Office of UNU-MERIT in March 2022, where she took up a coordinating & supporting role in the management and integration of the PhD Programme.

She has worked as an Education & Research Officer at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS) of Maastricht University. Julia holds her MA degree in European Public Affairs (2021) and BA degree in European Studies (2020). Her research interests include European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds/ EU Cohesion Policy, Compliance with EU law, Implementation and Evaluation of public policies, Societal impact of university research, Science communication, EU External Relations.