Side Event

Innovation in Africa

On 23 August 2024, UNU will co-host a side event of the TICAD Ministerial Meeting, exploring the role of innovation for sustainable development in Africa.

- Asia/Tokyo
Hotel New Otani Tokyo (Fuyo Room East) 4-1 Kioi-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 102-8578
Open to public

On 23 August 2024, the United Nations University (UNU), the African Union (AU) and Pan African University (PAU) will co-organize "Innovation in Africa", a thematic event of the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) Ministerial Meeting. This event will take place from 14:00–15:00 at the Hotel New Otani Tokyo, Fuyo Room East (venue layout map).

Groundbreaking advancements are reshaping industries and driving socioeconomic development across Africa. This panel will explore how positioning Africa at the forefront of global innovation can advance sustainable development through transformative strategies and solutions. Experts from academia, the private sector and young university graduates will share their views on recent developments and the potential for innovation to drive development on the continent.

The event will consist of a panel discussion focused on innovation in Africa and its role in promoting sustainable development across topics including:

  • Decent work and inclusive economic growth in the context of artificial intelligence and technological advances
  • Entrepreneurship in the technology sector in the face of climate change and digital transformation
  • Leveraging innovation and training to support and empower youth career prospects

Please note that this event will be in English. Simultaneous interpretation in Japanese will also be provided. Advance registration (by 16 August at 15:00) is required.

Panel Discussion


  • Tshilidzi Marwala, Rector of UNU and Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations

Opening Remarks

  • Masahiro Kohmura, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan


  • Prof. Saidou Madougou, Director of the African Union’s Education, Science, Technology and Innovation Department  
  • Two student alumni of the African Business Education (ABE) Initiative for Youth
  1. Ms. Delphine Mukahirwa, Graduate of the Kobe Institute of Information Science and Technology
  2. Ms. Amani Guizani, Graduate of the University of Tokyo  
  • Yoshitaka Sugihara, Vice President, American Chamber of Commerce Japan
  • Wakiko Ohira, Assistant Professor, Sophia University

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