
Showing 181-192 of 310 results


World Water Forum Session Explores Links Between Water & Migration

UNU-IAS co-organised a session at the 9th World Water Forum on the impact of water deficits on migration and displacement.

14 Apr 2022


ProSPER.Net Report Highlights Seven Years of Higher Education Initiatives for the SDGs

A new report presents 2015–2021 initiatives by the Promotion of Sustainability in Postgraduate Education and Research Network.

07 Apr 2022


Migration and Inequality Expert Appointed Head of Equitable Development and Migration

Professor Heaven Crawley will lead UNU-CPR's Equitable Development and Migration programme.

01 Apr 2022

Media Coverage

SDG–UP Symposium Promoted on "Spaceship Earth"

A UNU-IAS symposium was featured on Spaceship Earth, an online platform promoting the SDGs.

25 Mar 2022

Press Release

500 Million People Live in 19 African Nations Deemed Water-insecure

A new report published by UNU-INWEH on the eve of World Water Day 2022 employs 10 indicators to quantify water security in Africa’s 54 countries.

21 Mar 2022


Monitoring & Evaluation of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS): Country & GIAHS Site Experiences

A webinar will be held on the experiences of countries that are currently implementing M&E processes for their GIAHS sites.



UNU Senior Vice-Rector Speaks on Gender and Diversity at SDGs University Lecture

UNU Senior Vice-Rector Sawako Shirahase spoke at the “8th SDGs University Lecture”.

09 Mar 2022


Women’s Work — Routes to Social and Economic Empowerment

To commemorate International Women’s Day, UNU-WIDER will organise the webinar "Women’s Work — Routes to Social and Economic Empowerment".



Industrial Skill Development in Developing Countries: Education, Skills Demands, and Productivity

An online workshop on TVET will bridge the macro policy discourse with the situation in actual workplaces.


International Conference on Gender Studies in Africa


International Conference on Gender Studies in Africa



SDG–UP Symposium on Promoting Efforts to Achieve the SDGs and Planning for the Future of Universities

An online event will be held on activities and outcomes of the UNU SDG–UP, the future of Japanese universities, and their role in achieving the SDGs.
