
Showing 205-216 of 310 results


The Challenge of Economic Inclusion in South Africa

Brian Levy and Alan Hirsch will discuss their recent research on strong institutions and inequality in South Africa.



Systems Thinking for Health Systems and the Pandemic Recovery

On 20 October 2021, UNU-IIGH will co-organize the webinar Systems Thinking for Health Systems and the Pandemic Recovery.


Press Release

Dr Sawako Shirahase Appointed as Senior Vice-Rector of the United Nations University

Dr Sawako Shirahase will join the United Nations University as its next UNU Senior Vice-Rector, effective 1 October 2021.

14 Sep 2021


What's SDGs? — Ishikawa-san Live News It!

UNU-IAS will contribute to a local news TV programme in Ishikawa as a guest commentator on SDGs.



COVID-19 and Development – Effects and New Realities for the Global South

The 2021 WIDER Development Conference will discuss impacts of the COVID-19 crisis in the Global South and how to support recovery.



Building Resilience in Water Management with Multi-stakeholder Engagement

UNU-IAS organised an interactive discussion session on resilience in water management during the annual World Water Week conference.

03 Sep 2021


Transform to Survive: A Sustainable Future for All?

UNU-EHS will host a panel discussion on innovative solutions to global crises towards an inclusive, equitable and sustainable future.



Achieving Sustainable Development in the Least Developed Countries

Bringing together the academic community, policymakers, and practitioners to discuss the challenges and policy recommendations for the LDCs.



Healthy Planet, Healthy People: The Role of the Satoyama Initiative for Green & Blue Recovery

A side event at 2021 HLPF discussing the role of socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
