Call for Abstract deadline extended until 27 February 2022
From 23 to 25 May, the United Nations University (UNU-FLORES), the Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden), and the Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER) invite experts from all over the world to the fourth international Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC2022) which will be held online. Contributions to various thematic sessions can be submitted until 10 February 2022 (extended deadline). Early bird registration at reduced rates runs until 15 April 2022.
Dresden, 16 December 2021. – Hardly any other basis of human life is as massively affected by human activity as biodiversity. According to the IPBES Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, out of the eight million known animal and plant species worldwide, around one million are threatened with extinction. This also threatens essential ecosystem services on which we all depend. The reasons for the massive biodiversity loss are manifold and can mostly be traced back directly or indirectly to humans. The pollution of air, soil, and water are just as much a part of it as the destruction of habitats, the overexploitation of the natural environment, or climate change and its impacts.
The protection and strengthening of biodiversity are a central societal task, linked to other current challenges. Not only is the interaction in nature, between habitats and species, complex; how we live, manage, and shape our environment also has a major influence on how biodiversity can develop. An important role is played by the Resource Nexus, i.e. integrated perspectives on the management of vital resources, to which the international conference series Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC), held every two years, is dedicated. The next conference from 23 to 25 May 2022 will focus on “Biodiversity – Stewardship for Vital Resources”. Twenty-one sessions will discuss a broad diversity of key Resource Nexus topics linked to climate change, agri-food, urban and regional development, and circularity, among others, with biodiversity topics taking the foreground, following immediately the celebration of the International Day for Biological Diversity (22 May 2022).
Contributions (oral and poster presentations) on the planned sessions can be submitted until 10 February 2022. They should show how disciplinary, interdisciplinary, or transdisciplinary research on sustainable resource management is being carried out in places all over the world. Practical examples are also welcome. The focus is on how the Resource Nexus can contribute to the preservation and strengthening of biodiversity and the achieving of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Registration for DNC2022 is also already possible. Reduced early bird rates apply until 15 April 2022.
Submission of abstracts by 10 February 2022:
Early bird registration until 15 April 2022:

About Dresden Nexus Conference
The Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC) is an international conference series. It focuses on the discussion of current research and real-world cases that contribute to the further development of a nexus perspective in dealing with natural resources. Since its inception in 2015, DNC has been a meeting point for academics, UN agencies, decision- and policymakers from UN Member States, businesses, and civil society from the local to the global levels. DNC aims to bridge the gap between research and practical implementation through the lively exchange of all participants. For the very successful realisation of the 2020 conference as a virtual event (eDNC2020), the organising institutions UNU-FLORES, IOER, and TU Dresden received the eku erfolg – Zukunftspreis (eku success – Future Award) of the Saxon Ministry of the Environment (SMEKUL) in 2021.
More information on DNC2022:
Atiqah Fairuz Salleh UNU-FLORES Communications and Advocacy Tel: + 49 (351) 8921 9370 E-mail: | Heike Hensel IOER Press and Public Relations Tel: + 49 (351) 4679 241 E-mail: |