UNU Conversation Series

A public platform for influential experts to share personal insights on contemporary global affairs

Conversation Series Event

Discussing key issues with key players

The UNU Conversation Series provides a unique public platform for influential experts, world leaders and respected scholars and authors to share personal insights on contemporary global affairs, politics, and media. Held in Tokyo at UNU headquarters, the conversations are hosted and moderated by UNU Rector and UN Under-Secretary-General Tshilidzi Marwala. The events are free and open to the public, and offer a distinctly cordial atmosphere allowing the audience to engage with featured guests, ask questions and share their ideas, both during the conversations and at casual receptions that follow each event.

Key issues

Conversation Series topics span the full breadth of UNU’s work, touching on matters of critical importance to Japan and the world. Topics of discussion have included peace and security, international relations, migration, governance, sustainable development, climate change, employment, higher education and many others.

Key players

UNU has welcomed more than 100 notable speakers to the Conversation Series stage, including ambassadors, members of the Japanese government, United Nations leaders, distinguished academics, and public personalities from media and civil society.

Conversation Series Event
“Reimagining Higher Education for a Complex World”, a Conversation with Professor Adam Habib, Director of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London Photo: C. Christophersen / UNU

Upcoming and previous conversations

Showing 21-40 of 46 results

Conversation Series

Artificial Intelligence and Society: On the Brink of Change

TOKYO: On 03 October 2023, UNU will host a conversation with Professor Benjamin Rosman from University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa.


Conversation Series

Higher Education, Science and Innovation for Sustainability: Unlocking Africa’s Potential

TOKYO: On 26 September 2023, UNU will host an event with Dr. Blade Nzimande, Minister of Higher Education, Science and Technology of South Africa.


Conversation Series

Peacebuilding in the Wake of Ukraine and Sudan

TOKYO: On 31 August 2023, UNU will host a conversation with Dr. Sukehiro Hasegawa, Distinguished Professor, Kyoto University of the Arts.


Conversation Series

Enhancing Global Actions for the Paris Agreement and the SDGs — Towards the SDG Summit, COP28 and Beyond

Tokyo: On 24 August 2023, UNU will host a conversation with Dr. Youssef Nassef, Director of the Adaptation Programme at UNFCCC.


Conversation Series

Unpacking the Just Energy Transition: A Development Priority for Africa

TOKYO: On 25 August 2023, UNU will host a conversation with Ahunna Eziakonwa, Assistant Administrator and Director of the Regional Bureau for Africa, UNDP.


Conversation Series

A New Agenda for Peace: Opportunities and Next Steps for Disarmament

TOKYO: UNU will host a conversation with Ms. Izumi Nakamitsu, United Nations Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs.


Conversation Series

Leadership and Agency in Nuclear Disarmament: Lessons Learned from the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

TOKYO: On 1 August 2023, UNU will host a conversation with Ambassador Elayne Whyte.


Conversation Series

The Future of Artificial Intelligence 

TOKYO: On 6 July 2023, UNU will host a conversation with Professor Marc Deisenroth.


Conversation Series

Reimagining Higher Education for a Complex World

TOKYO: UNU will host a conversation with Professor Adam Habib, Director of the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.


Conversation Series

How Will Perspectives of Peace and the State Change among Leaders of the Future?

TOKYO: UNU will host a conversation with Professor 'Funmi Olonisakin, Vice-President and Vice-Principal International at King’s College London.


Conversation Series

“Is the UN Security Council Paralyzed? The Impact of Ukraine on the UN and the World”

UNU will host a Conversation Series event with Ms Karin Landgren, Executive Director of Security Council Report.


Conversation Series

“The UN — Past, Present, and Future”, a Conversation with Dr David M. Malone

UNU will host its final Conversation Series event under the rectorship of Dr David M. Malone, featuring Dr Malone himself as the guest.


Conversation Series

The Environment and the SDGs: Why the World Is Falling Behind and What Needs to Be Done

On 30 March, UNU will host a conversation with Dr Juha Uitto, Director of the Independent Evaluation Office of the Global Environment Facility.


Conversation Series

“Tech for Good? Do New Technologies Lead to Equity in Education?”

On 15 May, UNU will host a Conversation Series event with Ms Bettina Stark-Watzinger, German Federal Minister of Education and Research.


Conversation Series

“Fair or Foul? Higher Education in Japan”, a Conversation with Prof. Paul Snowden

On 25 January 2023, UNU will host a conversation with Prof. Paul Snowden, former Vice-President of Kyorin University, Tokyo.


Conversation Series

“The UNU Headquarters Building: Iconic Architecture as a Reflection of International Postmodernism”, a Conversation with Dr Eva Kraus

On 18 January 2023, UNU will host a Conversation Series event with Dr Eva Kraus, Artistic Director of the Bundeskunsthalle.


Conversation Series

“International Law, the UN Security Council, and Beyond”, a Conversation with Eran Sthoeger

UNU will host a conversation with Mr. Eran Sthoeger, a litigator and consultant in international law, and Adjunct Professor at Brooklyn Law School.


Conversation Series

The China Question: International Student Mobility and Global Research Collaboration in an Era of Hardening Geopolitics

UNU will host a Conversation Series event with Mr Jo Johnson.


Conversation Series

“Cutting Through the Noise: How the UN is Building Trust in an Age of Disinformation”, a Conversation with Melissa Fleming

UNU will host a conversation with Melissa Fleming, UN Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications.


Conversation Series

The Global South and the New Cold War

On 25 November 2022, UNU will host a conversation with Indian author Pankaj Mishra.
