
Showing 1-12 of 52 results


Side Event Calls for Inclusive Land Management to Safeguard Biodiversity and Livelihoods

The session was held at the 26th meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 26) of the CBD in Nairobi.

23 May 2024


Catalysing Change: UNU-FLORES’ Weisswasser Office Plays Valuable Role in Global Energy Transition

The core issues surrounding the coal phase-out across most regions worldwide

03 Nov 2023


Book Highlights Innovative Approaches to Ecosystem Restoration

The new publication provides unique insights on how to prevent loss and degradation of ecosystems and ensure their recovery.

19 Sep 2023


Migration Seminar: Frontiers in Climate Change and Migration Research

ONLINE: On 24 May 2023, UNU-MERIT will host a seminar featuring Dr Ricardo Safra de Campos on “Frontiers in Climate Change and Migration Research”.



Nexus Seminar Series N.67 Integrated Approaches to Flood and Drought Management

The joint Flood (APFM) and Drought (IDMP) programs of the World Meteorological Organization and Global Water Partnership.
