
Showing 37-48 of 52 results


UNU Senior Vice-Rector Speaks on Gender and Diversity at SDGs University Lecture

UNU Senior Vice-Rector Sawako Shirahase spoke at the “8th SDGs University Lecture”.

09 Mar 2022


Workshop Explores Industrial Skills Development in Developing Countries

The event discussed opportunities and challenges of technical and vocational education and training.

04 Mar 2022


UNU Statement on Ukraine

UNU stands in solidarity with Ukraine and the international community.

01 Mar 2022


Urban Economies in Sub-Saharan Africa: What Do We Need to Know?

This webinar will explore important issues in urban economies and related research in sub-Saharan Africa.



Request for Research Proposals: Economic Transformation, and Social Protection & Taxation

UNU-WIDER invited research proposals on topics of economic transformation and topics of social protection & taxation in developing countries.

18 Jan 2022


Video Series Explores Traditional Knowledge of Japan’s Noto Peninsula

The videos focus on local food culture, highlighting the importance of sustainable use of resources.

14 Jan 2022


International Conference on GIAHS 2021

UNU-IAS is co-organising the International Conference on GIAHS 2021 in Nanao City, Ishikawa, Japan.



COVID-19 and Development – Effects and New Realities for the Global South

The 2021 WIDER Development Conference will discuss impacts of the COVID-19 crisis in the Global South and how to support recovery.



The Coastal Seascapes We Want — Voices of Women Scientists in Ocean Research

A UNU-IAS webinar bringing together women scientists and ocean activists who base their research in Japan.



WEBINAR: Water, Migration, Rural Development: What do we know?

This webinar aims to share knowledge on linkages between water insecurity and outmigration from rural areas.



World Water Week 2018

In 2018, World Water Week will address the theme “Water, ecosystems and human development”.
